Thursday, August 15, 2024

Evelyn Underhill ~ The Mystic

Bloggers note : with transcript


ought to advance in your
prayer if you do you will only find you
have put on the break instead of the
acceleration all real progress in
spiritual things
imperceptibly and is the work of
God our crude efforts spoil
it remember that the only growth which
matters happens without our knowledge
and that trying to stretch ourselves is
both dangerous and
silly think of the infinite
goodness never of your own
we mostly spend our
lives conjugating three
verbs to
want to
have and to
do forgetting that none of these verbs
have any ultimate
except so far as they are transcended by
and included in the fundamental
verb to
be being not
doing is the first aim of the
Mystic and hence should be the first
interest of the student of
mysticism God is always coming to you in
the sacrament of the present moment
meet and receive him
there with
gratitude in that
many people feel unaware of any
guidance unable to discern or understand
the signals of
God not because the signals are not
given but because the mind is too
clouded and
hurried to receive
them love is
creative it does not flow along the easy
paths spending itself in the
attractive it cuts new
channels and goes where it is
needed faith is not a Refuge from
reality it is a demand that we Face
so long as the object of the mystic's
contemplation is amenable to
thought is something which they can
know they may be quite sure that it is
not the
absolute but only a partial image or
symbol of the absolute
to find that final
reality one must enter into The Cloud of
Unknowing one must pass beyond the plane
on which the intellect can
I mean thereby a lack of
mysticism that love of Truth leaves the
merely intellectual
sphere and takes on the assured aspect
of a personal
where the philosopher guesses and
argues the Mystic lives and
looks and speaks a disconcerting
language of firsthand
experience not the neat dialectic of the
schools while the ab abolute of the
metaphysicians remains a
diagram impersonal and
unattainable the absolute of the mystics
the Visionary is a Mystic when their
Vision mediates to them an actuality
beyond the reach of the
senses the philosopher is the Mystic
when they pass beyond thought to the
pure apprehension of
Truth the active person is a
Mystic when they know their actions to
be a part of a greater
the tree which moves some to Tears of
Joy says Blake who possessed in an
eminent degree this form of sacramental
perception is in the eyes of
others only a green thing that stands in
mysticism is the art of Union with
the Mystic is a person who has attained
Union in greater or less
degree or who aims at and believes in
that Dreadful consciousness of a narrow
and limiting IH Hood which dogs our
search for freedom and full life is done
away for a moment at least the
independent spiritual life is
the contemplative is merged in
it like a bird in the
air like a fish in the
sea loses to
find and
dies to


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