Thursday, August 15, 2024

Act of Faith: Pt.2 A Two-Way Relationship w/ God 641




Carmelite prayer we are currently
listening to a talk given by a carite
frier in France his name is Father Mari
luron and he is talking to us about the
Act of Faith and so he ask the question
how do we enter a relationship with God
who is part of the immaterial world and
who doesn't have
senses there is a canyon between God and
US between the Creator and the
created we are completely dependent on
God for life if he withdrew his support
we would simply vanish poof but no no
one has vanished which shows the
universal love of God for his creatures
he invites us into a two-way
relationship with him we must first
however overcome the obvious we can't
see God with our bodily senses so he
puts the capacity to interact with him
into the Soul at
baptism the soul of man separates him
animals he gives us the ability to know
the immaterial world for us to come to
know know him and then puts the
theological virtues of faith hope and
charity into man's Soul at baptism to
allow him to enter a relationship with
him God permits us to make an Act of
Faith the choice to believe without
seeing to enter into a relationship with
him but we must exercise
it so let's analyze the Act of Faith so
what exactly happens when I say that for
example I believe in the Trinity well I
really can't grasp the concept of the
Trinity it goes way beyond my
intelligence but let's take another
example let's take a mathematical
theorem the teacher says that it's true
so it must be true I believe the teacher
I understood the explanation so it must
be true and faith God is one and three
at the same time but I can't prove it
like I can prove a mathematical theorem
I just trust God and the church I have
faith but something is
missing why should I trust when I make
an Act of Faith the Lord comes and he
firms up my faith if I open my will to
God he comes lives in me transforms me
and enables me to do the impossible with
confidence I have a strong and peaceful
certitude in him like the
martyrs he transforms me
completely which is his way of
communicating with
me so another example uh of an AC of
faith in revelution Revelations 3:20
I stand at the door and I knock if
anyone opens to me I will come in and
dine with him and he with
me so I open the
door I accept to believe the Lord comes
in the meal is reciprocal it's a
reciprocal relationship a two-way
relationship with the Lord the meal
nourishes me the meal transforms me
amen thank you for following along I
hope the this little study of an active


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Act of Faith: Pt.2 A Two-Way Relationship w/ God 641

. .   0:06 Carmelite prayer we are currently 0:08 listening to a talk given...