in the twilight of life god will not judge us
on our earthly possessions and human success
but rather on how much we have loved
never give up prayer and should
you find dryness and difficulty
persevere in it for this very reason
god often desires to see what love your soul has
and love is not tried by ease and satisfaction
in the dark night of the soul
bright flows the river of god
in the inner stillness where meditation leads
the spirit secretly anoints the
soul and heals our deepest wounds
contemplation is nothing else but a
secret peaceful and loving infusion of god
which if admitted will set the
soul on fire with a spirit of love
seek in reading and you will find in meditation
knock in prayer and it will be
open to you in contemplation
silence is god's first language however softly we
speak god is so close to us that we can be heard
nor do we need wings to go in search of god
but merely to seek solitude and
contemplate god within ourselves
without being surprised to find such a good guest
live in the world as if only
god and your soul were in it
then your heart will never be
made captive by any earthly thing
do not let your eye be drawn by the false beacon
lamps of wealth or position or fame or possessions
be vigilant over your will and desires
for these are the corrupt forces that
dwell within and keep you from living free
live in faith and hope though it be in darkness
for in this darkness god protects the soul
cast your care upon god
for you are gods
and god will not forget you
do not think that god is leaving you alone
for that would be to wrong him
it is great wisdom to know how to be silent
and to look at neither the remarks
nor the deeds nor the lives of others
in sorrow and suffering go
straight to god with confidence
and you will be strengthened
enlightened and instructed
for god leads every soul by a separate path
have a great love for those who
contradict and fail to love you
for in this way love is begotten
in a heart that has no love
the soul that walks in love
neither tires others nor grows tired
where there is no love pour love
in and you will draw love out
love consists not in feeling great
things but in having great detachment
and in suffering for the beloved
the soul that is attached to anything
however much good there may be in it
will not arrive at the liberty of divine union
for whether it be a strong wire rope or a
slender and delicate thread that holds the bird
it matters not if it really holds it fast for
until the cord be broken the bird cannot fly
when a soul has advanced so
far on the spiritual road
as to be lost to all the natural
methods of communing with god
when it seeks god no longer by
meditation images impressions
nor by any other created ways
or representations of sense
but only by rising above them all
in the joyful communion
with truth by faith and love
then it may be said to have found the god of truth
because it has truly lost itself as to all
that is not god and also as to its own self
to love is to be transformed into what we love
to love god therefore is
to be transformed into god
to reach satisfaction in all
desire its possession in nothing
to come to the knowledge of all
desire the knowledge of nothing
to come to possess all
desire the possession of
nothing to arrive at being all
desire to be nothing
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