Monday, January 15, 2024

Hunt MD, Courtney - Zinc Spark is the EPR This is the moment you're al...




I'm coming to you from Camelback
Mountain in Phoenix Arizona I'm an OB
GYN now no longer practicing that part
of my life but I have a nutrigenetic or
a genetic company where I teach people
to heal from disease
neurodegenerative disease autoimmune
disease things like Parkinson's
Alzheimer's lupus Sjogren's
but back when I did practice OB I was
fascinated and I'm still fascinated by
the moment the soul or the light or the
jump start of energy starts the zygote
which is a multi-potential stem cell
that unfolds into everything in the
human body
please join me on this journey I think
that we have found this moment the epr
if you will when light ties itself to
the mass of the zygote in the zinc Spark
scientists are looking for the moment of
quantum entanglement or the epr of the
quantum field with the mass of a human
the zinc spark appears to be this moment
Neuroscience needs a revolution to
understand Consciousness where in human
biology is the smallest amount of mass
or matter they could gain connection to
the quantum field
if we reverse engineer a human before
the adult brain and nervous system are
formed before a child brain is formed
before a baby brain is formed
before a fetus brain is formed before an
embryoblasty lamoriella there is a
single cell that has to the potential to
become everything in the human body
theories of consciousness
Consciousness electromagnetic
information field Theory by John Joe
McFadden his theory states that the
physical substrate of the brain must be
capable of integrating information in
other words energy fields are capable of
integrating information in space
this theory proposes that Consciousness
is integrated and active information is
encoded in the electromagnetic field
the orchestrated objective reduction or
or Theory by Dr Ham Roth and Sir Roger
Penrose proposes that the collapse of
the wave function happens in the
microtubules of the neurons
the zinc spark Theory Of Consciousness
proposes that the connection between
these two models happens at
fertilization where light or qubits of
information would overlap with or
connect with the mass of the zygote
I propose that the zinc spark is the
indication of this before a nervous
system is ever developed this would be
the epr moment that Penrose is looking
during fertilization I propose that the
independent Higgs fields of the
subatomic particles of the sperm and egg
merge or entangle causing calcium
oscillations to be released from the
endoplasmic reticulum in the zygote
these 250 mile per hour calcium
oscillations trigger an explosion of 20
billion zinc atoms out of the egg
I suggest that the explosion of this
zinc is evidence that a massive
thermoelectric energy transfer has
happened and that the zinc is the Nano
antenna that traps the new Higgs field
to the zygote this explosion of any
metal ion is not seen in any other cell
in the human body
the first law of thermodynamics states
that energy or information can neither
be created nor destroyed therefore the
energy or light Consciousness that jump
starts you as a zygote must come from
and return to the quantum field the zinc
spark equals the first few qubits of
that come from that field when the
zygote is formed
the universe uses patterns to repeat
itself a repetitive Fibonacci Sequence
ubiquitous throughout nature we see this
in the formation of galaxies black holes
the formation of the human body and even
in the embryo as the numbers in the
Fibonacci sequence become larger the
ratio between the subsequent numbers
gets closer and closer to the golden
ratio a Divine number
this emphasizes the idea that patterns
exist throughout nature and that those
on the macroscopic level are mirrored on
the microscopic level all the way down
to the Planck scale
let's begin with oogenesis I'll recount
the literature on the physiologic
process of fertilization in order to
provide you with the foundational
the path to reproduction starts with
oocytes made in the ovary during fetal
development during fetal oogenesis
meiosis one begins and oogonia are
transformed into primary oocytes where
they are arrested at prophase one of the
first meiotic Division and stored in the
primordial follicle until puberty once
monarchy begins a monthly rise in
gonadotropins or female sex hormones
causes the oocyte to develop into a
fertilizable egg
one primary oocyte completes meiosis
when the day before ovulation
another way to look at it is before
birth the oogonium undergoes mitosis and
arrests prophase one of the primary
after puberty meiosis continues and a
polar body or trash receptacle is
created and a secondary oocyte is rested
and arrested in metaphase II ovulation
happens sperm enters the vagina and at
the merger of the sperm and egg meiosis
or fertilization occurs and a second
polar body is created leaving a single
fertilized egg with one set of genes
from Mom and one set of genes from Dad
studying human embryos at the moment of
fertilization is a highly protected
point in science the bulk of This
research was done in mice before it was
ever done in humans
the larger the zinc spark during a human
IVF experiment the higher chance that
the embryo will make it to blast assist
researchers can use this information to
determine which embryo to put back into
the mother allowing for healthier
embryos to be implanted and a stronger
likelihood of a successful fertilization
at fertilization the sperm merges with
the egg penetrating the Corona radiata
and makes contact with the zone of
while the exact mechanism is not known
the current model explored in mice
exhibits sperm binding directly to the
zono glycoprotein zp3 this binding
induced the acrisome reaction in which
an influx of calcium and cyclic amp
within the sperm head triggers a release
of an enzymatic content from the
acrosome after the acrosome reaction
occurs the sperm binds instead to the
zp2 receptor which maintains the
physical connection like a docking site
between the sperm and egg this releases
hydrolytic enzymes that digest a narrow
fragment of the zp or the outer crown of
the egg Paving the way for the sperm's
entrance into the perividually in space
and fusing with the oocyte's plasma
a schematic representation of the fusion
of the sperm and the Cascade of events
that trigger the calcium oscillations
from the cell
through egg activation via calcium
ionomycin ionomycin or human CRNA
injection experimentation conducted by
Duncan at all in 2016 mapped oocyte zinc
fluctuations using selective fluorophore
this experiment was conducted using 3D
live cell Imaging with a fluorescent
green probe measuring zinc inside of the
egg and a fluorescent red probe
measuring zinc outside of the egg these
probes do not mix
intracellular calcium levels were
increased using ebolus of exogenous
calcium and within 10 minutes billions
of zinc atoms were exocytosed in a
magnificent zinc spark depicted by a
yellow flash as the red and green inner
mix and that a red smart spark or Halo
moving away from the cell again these
are floor floor tagged ions and the
light that's emitted is not the light of
Consciousness that I am referring to
instead what I am proposing
is that they allow us to see the massive
zinc explosion that indicates that
energy has been transferred
and has been trapped in the zinc ion as
a nano antenna this is a kind of like an
explosion of a volcano indicating that
something has gone on inside
embryologists use the strength of the
zinc spark to determine which embryo to
transfer back into the mother for IVF
as you can see on this plate it is the
explosion of the zinc that has the
brightest light that em that
embryologists use to transfer back into
the mother
Thomas O'Halloran was the leading
researcher on this paper and as you can
see in the upper left on this slide
it is only a few moments between this
merger of the sperm entry
and the release of the zinc spark out of
the periphery of the egg meiotic
from prophase one
to metaphase two and mouse eggs results
in a 50 increase in intracellular zinc
stored in cortical granules
zinc transport Machinery is not fully
developed until just before the zinc
release possibly preventing premature
human eggs also undergo zinc Sparks
during fertilization indicating zinc's
critical role and the transition from
gamete to zygote the zinc Sparks in
human eggs were experimentally observed
using these fluorophore tags
the sinked calcium oscillations and
coordinated exocytosis of zinc via
cortical granules are related to egg
activation and the cortical reaction to
prevent polyspermy
fertilize fertilization induced calcium
calcium oscillations trigger this
massive efflux which we saw before as a
zinc Spark
zinc's interaction with cytostatic
Factor e i e m I2 leads to the release
from meiotic arrest allowing progression
to a successful zygote basically when
the zinc is released there was a release
on the DNA
allowing that multi-potential stem cell
to develop
recent experiments suggests that the
zinc spark itself rather than the
calcium oscillations is what is
responsible for releasing these breaks
after this begins early embryonic
after a number of cellular divisions the
embryo progresses to gastrulation during
this process the cells migrate to the
germ layers of the embryo the endoderm
the ectoderm and the mesoderm these
three layers will become everything in
the human body
up until 11 weeks of pregnancy glands in
the mother's uterus
Supply the embryo with the energy and
nutrients that it needs to grow
this continues until the fetus is too
large to become supported by the uterine
wall at which point the blood and
nutrients are delivered by the placenta
and the umbilical cord
DNA methylation and demethylation is
responsible for epigenetic memory this
is tied to the methylation patterns
that alters a gene expression without
changing the DNA itself you can think of
this as like Post-its on the DNA that
allow it to know where to start and stop
transcribing itself
parental genomes undergo Global DNA
demethylation to reprogram genomes to
form a total potential zygote
the demethylation process is incomplete
to protect and printed loci solely
expressed by one parent the global
demethylation is proposed to erase the
zygote's past memory tied to its DNA
methylation patterns
while it was previously thought the
parental genomes controlled early
embryonic development in 2022 Tony Perry
and his team at the University of bath
found that embryonic transcription
begins actually at the Single Cell level
immediately after fertilization the
sperm and egg genomes are
transcriptionally silent
Dr o'hallagher O'Halloran has now gone
back to the drawing board studying E
coli and researching how the zinc
depletion inside of the cell allows for
this immediate transcription of the DNA
now let's move on to the evolution of
quantum consciousness
the nerves are made of neurons
and synapses
that are driven by mitochondria the
mitochondria originated about 1.45
billion years ago through biosymbiotic
coupling between bacteria and archaea
this endosymbiosis led to a 200 000 fold
increase in genes expressed dependent on
mitochondrial power or ATP or energy
we develop from the ocean using sunlight
to drive our Evolution along the
phylogenetic tree the evolution of
memory storage has been dependent on the
production of ATP
memory is our ability to transcribe and
translate DNA
to create specific neuronal synapses
based on the interaction with our
DHA and the retina DHA is an omega-3
fatty acid playing in a critical role in
the evolution of vision and the nervous
system and has been conserved across 600
million years of evolution
core competent of photoreceptors in the
eye or the core component of
photoreceptors in the eye converted
light energy into electricity from
neural impulses the abundance of DHA in
the brain allows for synaptic Evolution
and self-awareness leading to
Consciousness DNA modulates gene
expression in the central nervous system
and is highly concentrated in the retina
sunlight causes polarization of DHA and
the retina and it's theorized that this
is energizing the key chromophore
retinal and options for vision
flipping of DHA is correlated with
visual memory and the molecules energy
states allow for electron coherence and
tunneling Quantum tunneling and cohesion
in the DHA
contribute to three-dimensional vision
and refinemental processing
additional quantum mechanics and biology
has been seen in bird migration enzyme
reactions photosynthesis olfaction and
the hydrogen bonds that hold are very
DNA together
the physiologic effects of light in the
human body include
the body has evolved as an antenna for
light or the electromagnetic field of
the sun both the eyes and the skin
interact with this field including
infrared ultraviolet invisible Spectrum
wavelengths photons trigger
electrochemical signals that regulate
the suprachiasmatic nucleus and the
hypothalamus acting as a circadian clock
this also won a Nobel Prize in medicine
the mitochondria operated centers of the
electromagnetic field and the
suprachiasmatic nucleuses nucleus
synchronizes the mitochondrion
peripheral tissue through a molecular
clock mechanism
sunlight also regulates physiologic
function of through the skin Beyond
vitamin D synthesis affecting
neuroendocrine systems
ultraviolet light can incite signal
transduction via Cellular chromophores
in the skin influencing neuroendocrine
functions sunlight modulates neural
endocrine immune and metabolic function
through the contact with eye and the
these chromophores in the body carry
light via electron excitation leading to
a profound physiological effects on DNA
expression and organ system function
therefore human consciousness and
Physiology intertwine with the
electromagnetic field from conception
as an OB GYN trained at UC Berkeley and
UCLA and a non-religious person I was
always fascinated by how Consciousness
would enter
the zygote or the baby
and at what point this would occur it
was when I saw the zincspark in 2016 and
it reminded me of Messier 87 in 2019
that I made this connection
let's talk about the physics As Above So
Below the Einstein field equations it
predicted that we would find black holes
in space and in 2019 Humanity was given
the first image of the supermassive
black hole Messier 87 found by The Event
Horizon telescope microscopic black
holes the Schwarz child radius solution
of Einstein's equations also predicted
the existence of a microscopic black
targeting two particles at each other
would focus their energies creating a
mass that pushes gravity to a maximum
when they Collide they behave as
gravitational lenses they would have a
gravitational focusing effect focusing
energy into light trapping areas which
collapse into a single black hole
Einstein predicted we would find
gravitational waves from the merger of
black holes in space
on September 14 2015 Caltech and MIT
researchers at ligo found it this won
the Nobel Prize in physics in 2017 and
you can hear this chirp today
next came the Higgs boson the standard
model unites a strong Forest weak force
and electromagnetic force classifying
Elementary particles into bosons quarks
and leptons the Higgs field exists
throughout the Universe and interacts
with Gage bosons generating the Higgs
boson and tying particles to mass the
Higgs was identified in 2012 with a
Large Hadron Collider after years of
I propose that the Higgs field states of
the sperm and egg at their merger
transfer energy into the zygote through
quantum entanglement essentially tying
the light to its mass
this is what you could call the original
spark of consciousness
ER equals epr
so Roger Penrose says that we are
looking for the epr moment
that ties Consciousness to the mass of
the human Albert Einstein and Nathan
rosen's 1935 paper introduced the
Einstein Rosen Bridge or wormholes
contortions of space-time geometry also
in 1935 Einstein podowski and rosen's
paper presented quantum entanglement
initially unrelated worm to wormholes in
2013 Susquehanna maldicina proposed ER
equals epr connecting maximally
entangled black holes with wormholes
this suggests that Quantum entangled
particles are unified through wormhole's
potentially unifying quantum mechanics
and general relativity
space time may be derived from the
tapestry of quantum entanglement itself
binary black holes can Collide and merge
releasing immense energy in the form of
gravitational waves these gravitational
waves as stated above distort the fabric
of space-time when were first observed
by ligo in 2015. in conclusion the past
decade revealed evidence of a
mathematically predicted macroscopic
black hole in space the Collision of
supermassive black holes and the Higgs
boson which is the subatomic particle
that ties light to Mass
I propose that these patterns repeat
themselves throughout the universe's
Symphony and that the entanglement of
the subatomic particles of the sperm and
egg or their independent consciousnesses
or energy caused the zinc spark when
they Collide allowing the zinc Nano
antenna to trap the independent Higgs
field of the new mass of the zygote for
a lifetime
this mass or multi-potential stem cell
then begins transcription and
translation of its DNA to grow
everything in the human body including
its nervous system
additionally every religion has a
creation story that depicts a serpent
sperm and apple egg merging causing
humans to fall from Heaven lighter the
quantum field therefore the zinc spark
would also be the scientific unification
of religions creation myths proving that
we are light tied to Mass


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